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North by Northwest

Running businessman is carrying briefcase and escaping from crop-duster plane on the dirt road. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's movie "North by Northwest" (1959).

About an iconic sequence from movie: The plane dives at Thornhill (Cary Grant), passing him at an altitude of only a few feet, forcing him to throw himself to the ground; immediately after that, someone on the plane opens fire on Thornhill with an automatic weapon, missing him just barely. This process is repeated several times. (Source:

Businessman, Airplane, Escape, Running, Men, Urgency, Adult, One Person, People, Male, Business, Business Person, White Collar Worker, Suit, Well-dressed, Necktie, Briefcase, Action, Physical Activity, Speed, Sprinting, Deadline, Runaway, Competition, Danger, Motion, Courage, Ideas, Concepts, Aggression, Fear, Emotional Stress, Problems, Crop Sprayer, Propeller Airplane, Propeller, Air Vehicle, Flying, Sky, Cloud, Field, Inspiration, Color Image, Photography, Square

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Photo Copyright: Murat Giray Kaya